Profile of Micro and Small-Scale Manufacturing Industry of Jakarta Timur Municipality 2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jakarta Timur Municipality

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Profile of Micro and Small-Scale Manufacturing Industry of Jakarta Timur Municipality 2022

Catalog Number : 6104006.3172
Publication Number : 31720.24027
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : December 11, 2024
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 7.9 MB


The publication of Profile of Micro and Small Manufacturing Industry of DKI Jakarta 2022 was compiled from the results of the 2022 Annual Micro and Small Manufacturing Industry Survey (IMK2022), with a workforce of less than 20 people. The coverage of the 2022 micro and small manufacturing industry (MSMI) Survey includes MSMI activities throughout the DKI Jakarta area in 2022. Profile of Micro Small Manufacturing Industry of DKI Jakarta 2022 contains information on all IMK activities. The data presented includes the number of MSMI, enterpreneurs profile, worker profile, business income, difficulties, business certification, partnerships, guidance/ training/counseling that has been received, water acquisition sources, internet usage, and marketing. Statistical information is presented in the form of tables, pictures, infographics, and brief explanations related to the data. The purpose is to obtain a comprehensive and spatial information of the potential of the micro and small manufacturing industry in Jakarta Timur, so that the readers will be able to gain clear and easy knowledge.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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